Structured thinking made profitable. In today’s business you need to have a structured approach and use critical thinking to find the best solution.
My name is Henrik Grunning. I’m the co-founder of GoCar Sverige AB and am currently engaged in Sales Management and Business Development. GoCar is currently ranked No. 1 among the top 5 ”Used Car Dealers” and No. 1 among the 4 best ”Car Auction Companies” in Sweden by TrustPilot.
At GoCar (a subsidiary of TradingSolutions Sverige AB), we make use of innovative thinking, digital analysis and technology to build a strong ability in sales execution and customer experience.
Why do some people achieve more than others? It’s an easy question. Not such an easy answer? To achieve more than others in your team or company requires you to do one thing mainly. Do something different. To do exactly like everyone else and expect a different result than the rest is an unwise course of action.
It’s easy to be world champion in your head, but data driven and inspired actions, decide whether or not you actually are.
Add-On Sales Development – Used Wheels
There are three immediate ways to increase sales . [...]
Online Sales – Digital Change
In practice, selling cars online to consumers is not [...]
Home delivery – Closing the gap
The effects of the Public Health Agency's statement in [...]
Head of Sales – Sales Transformation
I was offered the role as Head of Sales [...]
Sales Director – Turning the tide
In April 2018, I was offered to take on [...]
Breaking new grounds
Since its inception in 2008, Mestro has helped customers [...]
Mono – the insurance app
Mono is the insurance app that collects all [...]
Work Skills.
Get Shit Done or GSD for short is a craft not to be underestimated. To day by day, week by week have the strength and stamina to do more than others yield opportunities. That together with ability is the most important factor required to win.
GSD is easy enough to comprehend. High activity means that you are more often in the offensive zone, that you challenge yourself. Ability however consists of three things; Observation, Capability to assess the right course of action and the GSD mentality to execute that course of action without delay.
Data Analytics is the collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to draw conclutions, make predictions, and drive informed decision-making. As an analyst I use structured thinking too recognize a problem or situation, organize available information, reveal gaps, opportunities and identify options. Professional sales execution relate to that in beautiful synergi.
02. SALES.
You can recognize good sales, best sales always look exactly the same. Over the years, sales development has evolved into an indispensable element common to most high-growth sales organizations.
Good marketing is simple, offer driven and has one task alone: To connect a potential buyer with a seller. The word Marketing, means just that: To bring to market!
Good leadership is committed, straightforward, clear and simple. It works every day and in pressured situations. Good leadership builds individuals to develop their own sense of responsibility and self-leadership. The goal of a good leader must be not to be needed in everyday operational situations. My leadership is practical and focuses on empowering the group, making it grow and function autonomously. It works in practice and my philosophy is, if something works in practice, it is right.
Fast, continuous fact- and data based communication is the formula to increase a person’s trust for another. When it comes to communication, speed, i.e to respond is much more important than having the perfect answer.
“…Henrik’s calm in all situations further contributes to the feeling of security and enables the right decision-making in seemingly pressured situations /../ There are no obstacles or problems for Henrik at all, there are just lots of different kinds of good solutions.”
CEO at Ocast
“Henrik is strikingly energetic and has a rare drive/… He is creative and has a way of getting things done. Henrik will through his ”nothing is impossible” style make things happen and will easily transform ideas into business.
Partner Technology Lead at Microsoft
“Henrik’s experience in sales, digital strategies and processes has been invaluable… Strong salesman, sharp digital visionary and fearless process driver.”
Head of Program at UIC – Uppsala Innovation Centre
“Henrik is very goal-oriented and driven, and can at the same time create and maintain long-term relationships. At the same time, he is a very nice and social colleague who was much appreciated for his enormous drive both at the customer and in the office.”
Sales Director Nordics and Baltics at F5
“…Henrik is an excellent team player with a solution sales mind set. As a Sales Manager he was open to new ways of working and significantly increased outbound sales…”
Director of Customer Development at Novoville
Talent and acquired knowledge enable a high ability. A high ability yields measurable data driven results. That’s why, a talented, knowledgeable, curious individual with structured thinking wins.
Together Everybody Accomplish More. That really says it all. The TEAM is the highest form of collaboration. If we work together, the accumulated effect from a team effort will wildly exceed that of any individual. For the TEAM to be dead effective, the team GOAL must have priority of that of any individual. That’s why all the world’s special forces have an absolute dedication to the TEAM objective.